Emoji  - Neuman Webflow Template


A multi-tiered and preventative behavioral health game offered in schools to reduce students’ emotional distress.

Allegheny Health Networks (NDA)
My Role
UX/UI Design
Figma/ AI generation


Design the UX and UI for a confidential health care web app built for Allegheny Health Networks. I played a crucial role in creating an engaging, user-friendly, and high stylized interface that incorporated gamification elements. The goal of the project was to develop a platform that encourages individuals to better handle pressure and anxiety.

More Information could be viewed at:


My Impact

1.Shipped end-to-end flow, collaborating with cross-functional team, stakeholders, and healthcare professionals to understand user requirements and translate them into an effective design solution across all stages.

2. Define the core user experience, construct a design system, and  ran user research using animated and interactive prototypes.

3. User feedback and data analysis indicated improved user satisfaction and increased adherence to healthier behaviors.

Product Impact